Civ 5 realism mods
Civ 5 realism mods

civ 5 realism mods

In communist economies the resources should distribute uniformly. Just specifying the amount of food or resources between one city and another.

  • Bring back food trading by creating a city trade management system.
  • Very small cities should not be able to construct universities or public transport.
  • Let the buildings be available for the cities in terms of population.
  • Just distributing the shields between the buildings.
  • Let the cities make buildings at the same time.
  • With the expansion of cities we should get metropolitan areas.
  • Great Wall just should be an improved national wall.
  • For example, in the creation of national walls. In this case maybe we could include a kind-of worker unit.
  • Bring back colonies (improvements away from our city range).
  • The extra spaces that the city expansion will occupy should act like towns (producing money and shields).
  • However we will need largers maps and better editors.
  • With an expanded grid we could get city ranges from 20 x 20, and there should be no problem adding altitude features.
  • Bigger cities (maybe randomly) should occupy more tiles.

    civ 5 realism mods

    With this feature we can add more real facts to the game. The city range could depend on culture and/or population. Instead include a city range where we can build our farms, mines or towns. Eliminate the city radius as we have seen before in Civ series.Cruzades and inquisition should be implemented in Civ 5, they will spread and preserve religion, maybe they could be implemented as civics.Sacrifice would be the posibility to take war prisioners and kill them for religious spread (war prisioners is a new proposed concept in military improvements).These new concepts should encourage state and local religion. To prevent consequences from bad religion events add new concepts like sacrifice, evangelism, inquisition or cruzades.Include religious events based on religion diversity: unhappiness, terrorism, spread foreign cultures.Give a higher bonus from an homogenous religion within a city and official state religion.

    civ 5 realism mods

    The settlers should spread religions to the new founded cities.Include tribal religions (100% in a city before founding a religion) and atheism.It can be linked with an ethnic percetage by cities. This is more realistic and can add new concepts to the game like minorities. Include religion percentage by cities.

    Civ 5 realism mods